8. Debrief

Always debrief after an event to improve the next one.

When you debrief after an event, you capture your immediate take on what worked, what didn’t, and what needs to change for next time. By combining your own insights with feedback from your audience, you get a relatively reliable idea of how everything went and how each piece of your agenda might be adapted, dropped, or improved.

The debrief is the your first discussion of an event after it happens.

In this section, we’ll look at ways to collect and analyze data right after an event. While reflection is an on-going process - and one we’ll consider more deeply in a later section - the debrief is your first chance to react to your successes and failures in facilitation after running a class, session, or workshop. As such, it’s important to make time to debrief and to set up processes for documentation and discussion that make the debrief worthwhile to you and your team.

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